The e-Citiz Engine is at the heart of e-Services and m-Services
It sets the pace
It responds to actions initiated by users of digitalization processes: the Citizen, the elected Official, the Employee, the Client, the Representative or Administration manager, HR Services or other Company departments. It displays data and manages interactions between different player.
Business rules
It is integrated in your IT system and your web site, just as easily as a web service. It allows your e-Services to evolve and effortlessly take into account regulatory modifications, using its ‘business rules’ component.
It is designed to support an increasing workload in your e-Services, and to ensure the availability of the service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is adaptable through its modularity and its scalability, based on Internet standards and platforms.
Business Process Management
Thanks to its workflow component, the BPM (Business Process Management) Engine takes into account browsing in the e-Service and manages the interfaces with other applications in your IT system.